This is my first stacking the shelves, and what I will be doing for each stacking the shelves will be listing the books I received over the week in physical form and e-form. This week, there will be a lot because of Smashwords Read an E-book Week, and the discounted sale prices they did. I will also list at the bottom, library books I borrowed that week.
Awakening by Catrina Burgess
Backs Against the Wall by Tracey Ward
Belgrave Daughter by Zara Hoffman
Binding by Sam Dogra
Camille by Tess Oliver
Crossing the Naiad by J.M. Ney-Grimm
Daughter of Mythos by Melissa Drake
Deliverance by Brittany Comeaux
Dreams in her Head by Clare C. Marshall
Droplet by Elaine Calloway
Everwild by Kayla Jo
Firewalls by Eileen Schuh
First Unforgivable Thing by Zoe Cannon
Forbidden Mind by Karpov Kinrade
Freezer by Stephen Clary
Fyire Blue by Evie Richter
Glimmer by Acacia Green
Gone by Christine Kersey
Heirs of War by Mara Valderran
Ignite by Jamie Campbell
Into the Fire by K. Gorman
Last Swordmage by Martin F. Hengst
Learning to Fly by Misha Elliott
Life in the Palace by Catherine Green
Lost and Found by Michelle Moklebust
Mindspeak by Heather Sunseri
My Beautiful Suicide by Atty Eve
Silence by Natasha Preston
Stars in Her Eyes by Clare C. Marshall
Summer Demons by Mia Hoddell
Swordplay by Katharina Gerlach
Rotten Core by Angie Hulme
Unite by Jamie Campbell
NightKind by Holly Tuesay Baxter
Torturer's Daughter by Zoe Cannon
Pulse by Acacia Green
Shine by Acacia Green
Snowbabies by Victor Storck
Tawny's Ghost by Joy Spraycar
Water's Blood by Elaine Calloway
Once Upon a Time: The Villians by Shea Berkley
Once Upon a Time: Queen of All, Enemy Inside by Shea Berkley
Once Upon a Time: Candy Land, Sliver of a Soul by Shea Berkley
Once Upon a Time: Hag, Giant's Way by Shea Berkley
Riptide by Michelle Moklebust
Uninvited by Michelle Moklebust
Scintillate by Karen Tjebben
Through a Tangled Wood by Jamie Campbell
Star Struck by Jamie Campbell
Realm of Dreams by Amalie Vantana
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